Over Speeding Can Lead to Serious Car Accidents?

When on the road, there are many things to watch out for to prevent an accident from happening. One mistake can cost you your life, especially while speeding. Did you know that it is the speed that kills, not impact of the accident? Yes, it doesn’t make any sense… Or does it? Think about it. A vehicle travelling 30 miles per hour and getting in an accident will most likely end up with no casualties, while a vehicle travelling at 70+ miles an hour will most likely end up with casualties. Simple physics, the faster the vehicle, the more force it projects, leading to more devastating outcome of the crash. Not only that, but while speeding, your car becomes harder to control, and you have higher chances of making a mistake and causing an accident. Excessive speeding is a problem. But what about speeding in general? Majority of car accidents happen while the driver is either distracted or speeding. Everyone can assume that driving at 100 mph is foolish, dangerous a...