Over Speeding Can Lead to Serious Car Accidents?

When on the road, there are many things to watch out for to prevent an accident from happening. One mistake can cost you your life, especially while speeding.

Did you know that it is the speed that kills, not impact of the accident? Yes, it doesn’t make any sense… Or does it?

Think about it. A vehicle travelling 30 miles per hour and getting in an accident will most likely end up with no casualties, while a vehicle travelling at 70+ miles an hour will most likely end up with casualties. Simple physics, the faster the vehicle, the more force it projects, leading to more devastating outcome of the crash.

Not only that, but while speeding, your car becomes harder to control, and you have higher chances of making a mistake and causing an accident.

Excessive speeding is a problem. But what about speeding in general?

Majority of car accidents happen while the driver is either distracted or speeding. Everyone can assume that driving at 100 mph is foolish, dangerous and that it can easily lead to an accident. But what most people don’t understand is the fact that even driving 5mph above the speed limit in the wrong time and the wrong place may do just as much harm as excessive speeding.

This is why speed limits have to be respected and obeyed at all time. A whole team of traffic engineers worked to create the traffic laws and regulations, and ensure your safety on the road. At least what you can do is obey those regulations.

Do you know about the three second rule?

This rule has helped many drivers to avoid potentially deadly Car Accidents. It goes like this:

  • While driving, look at the vehicle in front of you and pick a side pole on the side of the road
  • When the car in front of you passes it, count to three
  • The front of your vehicle should not reach the pole within three seconds.
  • If your car reached the pole before you counted to three, slow down and try again. You are most likely speeding.

Don’t take your eyes off the road while performing the three second rule or you will just set a stage for another type of accident. Stay focused at all times, keep your eyes on the road in front of you, and watch the speed limitations.

Accidents still happen

Even those who pay attention to every road sign and regulation may end up in an accident. There are many distracted drivers on the road, and their carelessness may lead to an accident.

If you got involved in one such accident in Los Angeles, and ended up with a Personal Injury, don’t hesitate to give a call to car accident defense attorney Los Angeles. At the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg, we have some of the finest attorneys in the state. We will help you calculate your case’s worth, and represent your best interests in court to ensure that you are given the compensation you deserve.


  1. I think the blog title should not have a "?" as definitely over-speeding can lead to serious car accidents.

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