The Most Common Traffic Laws, People Break During Motor Vehicle Driving in California

California is notorious for its long highways and a lot of negligent drivers. Many laws and regulations are being broken every day. Some drivers get away with it; others get punished accordingly. But what happens when a traffic law is broken and it results in an accident? Did you know that California has the highest amount of car accidents every year?

Car Accident Attorney Los Angeles

Here are the most common traffic laws and regulations that drivers break every day.


Some people just cannot get enough adrenaline. Others are always in a rush. And yet there are those who like the sun on their skin and the win in their hair. All of these people have one thing in common – they all speed excessively.

What majority of these people don’t know is the fact that speeding is responsible for most deaths in car accidents.

While an accident happens at a lower speed, the chances are that all parties involved will survive. However, when one or both of the vehicles are moving at an increased speed, the force of the impact will become so strong that all of the parties involved may end up losing their lives. Car Accident Attorneys in Los Angeles suggest that you stay in your lane and pay attention to the speed limit. Keep the distance between you and other drivers, and drive safely. If you ever find yourself in a car accident, give them a call.

Using Their Cell Phones

The number one reason behind all accidents on the road is a distraction. If a driver gets distracted, even for 1 second, the chances are that there is going to be an accident.

One rule that everyone breaks is using a smartphone while driving. Some text, others talk or browse their social media pages. This is more present among teenagers, who are also known for being irresponsible and negligent while behind the wheel.

Keep your eyes on the road, and at any sign of trouble, hit the breaks and hope for the best.

Not Keeping Distance

Tailgating is another dangerous thing a lot of drivers do while rushing through the traffic. Not leaving enough space between you and the other driver may backfire on you, resulting in a car accident and you as the person responsible for causing it.

Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys advise you to keep a safe distance (usually the length of 2 cars) so that you may have enough time to break in case of an emergency. Getting to close to other drivers will increase the risk of an accident.

Drinking and Driving

Ever since the wheel was invented, people seemed to find a way to combine booze and driving. Even today, there are countless of cases where someone had too much to drink and got behind the wheel, resulting in a devastating accident and a death of a few people involved.

A drunken person behind the wheel is a threat not only for himself and the traffic ahead but for pedestrians as well. The state of California has zero tolerance for driving under the influence, and all caught doing so will face serious penalties and even jail time.

If you get involved in a car accident in California, speak with Los Angeles vehicle accident lawyer immediately. The initial consultation is free, so all you have to do is give us a call and schedule an appointment.

Remember to drive safe, and keep your eyes on the road.


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