Steps to Follow After Car Accidents

Did you know that there are over 30,000 car accidents every year in California? Most of them are caused by distracted drivers or driving under the influence of alcohol. According to the statistics, for every 100,000 residents, California recorded 8 deaths from car accidents. Even though the national average is 10,6 deaths, car accidents are still a significant problem in California, as the number of injured individuals tops the surrounding states.

If you find yourself in a car accident, here are the steps you should follow to ensure that everything is done according to the law.

Check Yourself For Injuries

It is common sense to check your body thoroughly for any injuries after being involved in a car crash. If you feel nausea, discomfort, dizziness or in shock, it is mandatory that you call the ambulance as quickly as you can. If you can, check on the well-being of your other passengers and help them leave the vehicle safely. Seek medical attention immediately.

Once you start feeling better, get in touch with one of our Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys; give us a call and schedule your initial free consultation for a free case evaluation. If you are unable to leave the hospital, have someone else do it on your behalf.

Call The Police

Calling the 911 should be done “by default”. Guilty or not, it is your duty to call the police and wait for them to arrive. Once they are on the scene, they will file a report on the accident. Be honest with them and tell them in detail everything that happened and how the accident came to be. If you have witnesses, make sure to include their names and personal information in your statement. Wait for a copy of the report, as it will greatly help your attorney in the trial.

Take Pictures (If Able To)

If your health is not critical, take out your phone and take several pictures of the crash. Focus on the damages done to your car, the other car’s license plates, photograph the witnesses and everything that may help you win the case.

Having an actual photo of the crash from many different angles will help our attorneys investigate your case and recreate the events to determine guilt. This leads you one step closer to receiving the compensation you deserve for all the injuries done to you and your vehicle.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Last but not the least -contact your insurer and let them know of the accident. They won’t be happy to hear it but will be obliged to help you. Speak with our seasoned Car Accident Attorney in Los Angeles and have them start working on your case. They can negotiate the whole settlement on your behalf, so be sure to contact them as soon as the accident takes place.

If you are approached by the insurance adjusters from a party responsible for causing the accident, don’t sign any papers and don’t accept any offers without consulting with your attorney first.


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