How to Use Distracted Driving As Evidence to Build Your Car Accident Case

car accident lawyer in Los Angeles

Do you feel confident behind the wheel? People believe that driving is nothing more than sitting behind a wheel and pushing the pedal until you arrive from one place to another. But did you know that every day, 9 people are killed in an accident involving a distracted driver?

No matter how good of a driver you are, as long as there is someone heading your way or driving in a lane next to or behind you, they too may be responsible for your safety.

If you are involved in a car accident, here is how you can use the other driver’s distracted driving as the main evidence to build your case upon.

Understand What It Means

First, you need to be 100 percent sure that you fully understand what distracted driving involves:
  • Drinking and/or eating while driving
  • Smoking while driving
  • Conversing with your passengers
  • Applying make-up
  • Shaving
  • Losing focus (daydreaming)
  • Using electronic devices (cell phone, radio)
  • Driving while intoxicated
Each of the above-listed can get you killed. If you perform any of these actions, you should be aware of the potential consequences.

How Can It Benefit Your Case?

The key to winning a car accident case is by using the other party’s mistakes against them. In this case, using their own negligence against them will be your best bet. Since most judges have little to no tolerance towards distracted drivers (especially when charged with DUI), there is a high chance that you will win the case.

However, in order to be sure that everything is done properly, speak with car accident lawyer in Los Angeles; he offers a free consultation to everyone in need, followed by a free case evaluation. After the initial consultation, you won’t have to hire any of our attorneys unless you choose to do so. Learn how our attorneys can use other party’s negligence against them, and let us help you create a strong and efficient case in order to receive the most out of it.

Every case starts with a police report. Assuming that both parties remained at the scene of the accident, police will come and write a report. You can later use that report to your own advantage. However, what is more important is proving that the other driver was indeed distracted. This can be done by obtaining their call logs, text messages and data usage on the day of the collision (along with timestamps).

Only an experienced attorney can help you obtain this evidence. If you don’t have one, give call to a Los Angeles Car Accident Attorney a call immediately after the accident.

If the other driver refuses to settle (or if their insurance company refuses to offer you a good settlement), the best chance you have is to take the case to court. Attorney Howard C. Kornberg will do everything in his power to help you win the battle and receive the compensation and benefits you deserve.


  1. There are many lives which have been destroyed because of distracted driving. Though Car Accident Attorneys are available to help victims out, the loss of life is non-compensatory.


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