Staying Focused on driving While Distracted driver is On the Road

Car Accidents in Los Angeles

Every now and then, you will encounter “one of those drivers” who just couldn’t care less about the world or anyone around them. They are too busy being self-centered that they don’t pay attention to the traffic around them. These drivers are on their phones, SnapChating, taking Instagram photos, messaging their friends, and doing pretty much everything else while driving. How does this affect you as a driver? Well, for starters, if one such driver is on the road, he/she may influence you, cause an accident or become a dangerous obstacle on the road.

Managing your distractions

The main goal while driving is to focus on the road ahead. Keep your eyes wide open, and pay attention to everything that happens in front of you. Sometimes, you may find it difficult to focus as there are many things distracting you (your children, your cell phone, your pet). Learn how to manage your distractions. Buckle up your children on the back seat, have them play a game with each other (count the cars, colors, I spy with my little eye), turn off your phone or set it to silent mode, and focus on the road ahead of you. Most Car Accidents in Los Angeles happen because of distracted drivers. If you encounter one on the road, be extremely careful. Signal the driver and let him know of his reckless behavior. If you choose to ignore him, pay attention to the road ahead, or find a way around him.

Reckless and speeding?

Occasionally, you may encounter one of those drivers who are speeding on the highway with their phones on their ears. Not only are they talking on their phones, but they are driving 80-90 mph on the highway with one hand. This is just way dangerous and reckless.  

You could do one of the following things:
  • Signal the driver, letting him know that he/she is jeopardizing the entire traffic
  • Slow down and let the driver go ahead of you
  • Speed up and pass the driver
  • Remember the plates and the vehicle type, stop when you see a police car, and inform the office of the reckless driver
Reckless drivers are everyone’s nightmare. Not only are they responsible for majority of car accidents, but they are also responsible for many deaths. Many have lost their jobs and the ability to work as they have been in an accident caused by a reckless driver. Some people have lost their family members, loved ones, and friends.

Are you a reckless driver?

If you find yourself looking in the front mirror, combing your hair, calling your kids to see if they had lunch, checking your work schedule or doing something else while driving, you may not admit it, but you may be a reckless driver. The first step is realizing the problem. Take countermeasures, and turn off your phone while driving. Call your kids before you start driving, and drive safely without jeopardizing others in traffic. If you end up in an accident and receive a Personal Injury, contact us immediately. At the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg, experienced seasoned auto accident lawyer in Los Angeles - Howard C. Kornberg is ready to take over your case and protect your legal rights. Give a call, and he will come to your aid as fast as he can.


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