Most Common Myths About Car Accident and Injury Case

experienced Car Accident Attorney in Los Angeles

You have probably met or spoken to someone who has been in a car accident before. Even if you haven’t, you must have heard rumors and “myths” about the car accident and injury cases.

Friends and family talk to each other and share the information faster than you could imagine. However, in most cases, not everything they say is true. Here are the most common myths related to car accidents and injury cases.

Same Rules Apply

The one you have probably heard the most is that when it comes to car accidents, the same rules apply in every state. This is nowhere near the truth; in fact, most states have different rules and regulations concerning the car accidents. Yes, some states may have the same “What you should do in event of a car accident” pamphlet, but that does not mean that the regulations are the same in all states.

The best way to find out information about a car accident in Los Angeles is to speak with an experienced Car Accident Attorney in Los Angeles. They offer a free initial consultation, so don’t hesitate to call and schedule yours. You will be surprised by the things you can learn from an attorney.

The Initial Offer Is Very Good

“I`m satisfied with what they have offered me” is a sound of desperation. If you heard that one before, know that that one person did not do enough, or was too lazy to seek the benefits. Usually, after an accident, the insurance adjusters will come to you with an initial deal. This deal may seem good at a time, but trust me when I say that it is NOT.

Every experienced car accident attorney Los Angeles will tell you that the initial offer usually ranges from 20 to 40 percent of your case’s true value. Think about that next time you consider accepting the initial deal.

All Attorneys Are The Same

Nowadays, many attorneys claim that they have what it takes to help you deal with the injuries and help you obtain the benefits you deserve. It leads you to believe that all attorneys can provide you with the same services.

If you thought of that, guess again. Not only are all attorneys not the same, but the outcome of your case will most likely depend on the attorney you have chosen. If you hire someone without proper experience and resources, you will most likely never see your benefits. On the other hand, hiring someone who knows how to do their job will net you more than you could expect to get from your case.

Know what to expect, and never judge a book by its covers.

Other myths worth mentioning are:
  • Hiring an attorney is too expensive (most ones charge a percentage of your benefits only after you have received them)
  • You can only sue within the first month (in most states, you have up to one or two years to file a claim)
  • The insurance company will take care of it (they never really do; only an attorney will represent your best interests)


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