Types Of Car Accident Injuries


The number one leading cause of injuries in the United States is a car accident. They occur every day and are responsible for taking over 30,000 lives each year. The economic costs of car accidents are approximately $300 billion each year (or about $1,190 for every person living in the United States). Even though car accidents can be different and happen under different circumstances, the resulting injuries are often the same. Listed below are the most common types of car accident injuries.

Back and Head Injury

Due to the force of the impact, the head and the back are usually the two parts of the body that take all the damage. Head injuries are the most common injuries following a car accident; whether a person hits the steering wheel or the side of the windows (depending on the impact), the head does get injured all the time. Some consequences of a head injury involve:
  • Lacerations
  • Cuts
  • Injured eye/s
  • Concussions
  • Cracked skull
Back also suffers from the force of the impact. Any injury to the back could change a person’s life forever. The consequences of a back injury following a car accident are:
  • Spine injury
  • Paralysis (complete or partial)
  • Low-back pain
  • Kidney damage and failure
  • Pain and numbness
If you have been in a car accident recently, consult with the Personal Injury Lawyer in Los Angeles and learn how you can recover compensation for your injuries.

Neck and Chest Injuries

When it comes to neck injuries, the first thing that everyone thinks of is “whiplash”. Any sudden movement of the head and neck (such as one from the impact) causes neck muscle damage and damage to the ligaments. Common results are constant neck pain and swelling. Some patients have reported suffering a temporary vocal cord paralysis following a car accident. The chest is also the part that suffers a lot of damage. From a simple bruise to a traumatic cardiac arrest, chest injuries are very serious and should be treated immediately. The most common chest injuries after a car accident are:
  • Broken or bruised ribs
  • Collapsed lungs
  • Internal bleeding and hemorrhages
  • Damage to internal organs
Be sure to visit the ambulance right after a car accident as your life may be in danger.

Limb Damage

Limbs also get damaged in car accidents. Hands usually end up with cuts and bruises, while legs may be trapped in the hull of the car. As a result, you may end up losing a limb or have it completely crushed. Any accident involving pedestrians will definitely result in limb damage (usually foot and leg damages). Other injuries that may occur from a car accident involve Post-traumatic stress disorder Emotional Distress.

Contact a Los Angeles Auto Accident Attorney right after the accident and seek professional legal help in securing your settlement. Unless you hire an attorney, you will have little to no chance of getting the compensation you deserve. You only have one shot to do the right thing. Don’t let it go to waste.


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