How Long will My Car Accident Claims Take?

Following a car accident, the most common question we get is: How long does it take to settle? Even though it is a very simple and straightforward question, the answer is a bit complicated and it depends on many different factors. Depending on the type of the accident (one or more vehicles involved) and the type of your injuries (light or severe injuries), and depending on whether or not you have an attorney present (cases without an attorney usually last longer), your case can last anywhere between 1 to 2 years. Here is how it usually works. The Duration Normally, the things that affect the duration of your car accident claim are the following: The severity of your injury The complexity of your case (more vehicles involved) Amount of damages (higher amount take longer to settle) Your patience (negotiating the settlement with the insurance company requires time and the nerves of steel) The insurance company’s willingness to cooperate Can the case be settled outside of cou...