How Long will My Car Accident Claims Take?

Following a car accident, the most common question we get is: How long does it take to settle? Even though it is a very simple and straightforward question, the answer is a bit complicated and it depends on many different factors. Depending on the type of the accident (one or more vehicles involved) and the type of your injuries (light or severe injuries), and depending on whether or not you have an attorney present (cases without an attorney usually last longer), your case can last anywhere between 1 to 2 years. Here is how it usually works.
The Duration
Normally, the things that affect the duration of your car accident claim are the following:- The severity of your injury
- The complexity of your case (more vehicles involved)
- Amount of damages (higher amount take longer to settle)
- Your patience (negotiating the settlement with the insurance company requires time and the nerves of steel)
- The insurance company’s willingness to cooperate
- Can the case be settled outside of court? (cases that proceed to court usually last longer)
Negotiations Take Time
The insurance company will do everything to protect its interests. This involves stalling and playing the patience card. They have all the time in the world to wait, and they know that the longer you wait, the more restless you become and will most likely settle for anything just to get over it.This is the most common scenario, and the only way to avoid it is to contact a skilled and experienced attorney and leave the negotiations to the professionals. If you don’t have an attorney on speed dial, Los Angeles Car Accident Attorney at the Law Offices of Howard Craig Kornberg is one phone call away. He has the experience you need and will take over the negotiations with the insurance company, with your best interest in mind at all time. Focus on your recovery while the pros handle the work for you.
Don’t Hesitate To Go To Court
If you cannot find common ground with the insurance company, feel free to go to trial. That way, your case will last longer, but the insurance company won’t have an option to wiggle around until you are exhausted. Once the court decides that you are to receive the compensation for your damages, the insurance company will receive a deadline when he has to provide you with your settlement. It may be a one-time settlement or a monthly settlement, depending on your previous agreement with the insurance company. Be patient, and don’t rush things.Being patient ensures that you get what you deserve.
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