Reckless Driving Rise In Death Rate
In the past 5 years, the amount of car accidents has significantly increased. The amount of injured individuals has never been higher. On top of that, the overall death rate has also increased as many individuals have died due to suffering serious injuries.
In 2016, 37,461 people died as a result of car accidents. That number increased by 0.2 percent in 2017. It is estimated that by the end of the current year, around 41,000 people will die from car accidents.
Reckless driving has increased and will continue to increase the death rate in California. Here is why reckless driving is dangerous and what you can do to help.
Aggressive Behavior On The Road
Reckless and aggressive drivers have always been a problem. They never cared for anyone else, and they caused many accidents to happen.
As a result, many innocent people have lost their lives or suffered life-changing injuries. Here are tips to spot a reckless driver:
• They switch lanes without signalization
• They have sudden movement (switching lanes, going left and right)
• They are right on your tail
• They use the horn way too much
• They yelled through an open window
• They speed excessively
• They disobey most of the traffic laws
If you spot any such drivers while on the road, be sure to avoid them at all costs. Simply let them pass or pull over and wait to gain some distance between the two of you. If you engage in any verbal activities with the reckless driver, they may cause you nothing but trouble.
Simply stay away from them whenever you can, and if you find yourself in a car accident caused by one of them, call car crash attorney Los Angeles and schedule a free consultation to determine if you have a case in hand. If you do end up having the right to file a claim against the reckless driver, attorneys will help you recover compensation for:
• Your medical bills
• Your pain and suffering
• Your lost wages (current and future)
• Property damage (car repair costs)
Serious Injuries and Death
Reckless driving usually means not caring about traffic or other people. When a person is speeding, switching lanes without signalization or tailgating someone, the chances of a car accident are extremely high. Things get even more serious when these things happen at a higher speed; every accident at high speed can easily result in someone’s death.
If you lost someone you cared for in a car accident caused by a reckless driver, you have every right to file a lawsuit against that driver. Additionally, you may receive financial help in organizing the funeral.
Speak with attorneys if one of your family members died as a result of someone else’s reckless behavior, and they will do everything they can to help you deal with the situation. Attorneys understand that the money cannot compensate you for the loss of a loved one due to a wrongful death scenario, but it will surely help you pay for the upcoming costs.
Give them a call and let them help you seek justice.
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